
Is your land a good match for a solar park?

Unusable land

Sweden has a lot of land currently unsuitable for use in forestry or agriculture which could instead contribute towards sustainable electricity production.

  • Low productivity
  • Lack of ecological or agricultural value
  • Damaged or degraded land

Large areas

Large, uninterrupted plots are best suited for the development of solar parks.

  • Minimum 20 hectares
  • Relatively flat topography

Proximity to energy infrastructure

The ability to connect to the grid is a requirement for all types of power production.

  • Proximity to grid station
  • Available grid capacity

Solar irradiation

The amount of sunlight available determines how much electricity can be produced by solar parks. This, in turn, is affected by geographical location, surrounding vegetation and buildings, and local weather conditions.

  • High solar irradiation
  • Low level of shade from surrounding area

Contact us

Are you curious if your land could be suitable for a solar park?

Fill out the form or email us at and we will do a free analysis of your land.

    Our Projects




    Sunna is developing a large-scale solar park on land affected by flooding and unsuitable for agriculture.

    • 124 hectares
    • 121 MW
    • Östergötland county



    Development is in progress for a 209 hectare solar park in Vetlanda municipality.

    • 209 hectares
    • 98 MW
    • Jönköping county

    Ask us about land for solar parks

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